Friday, November 27, 2009

I am grateful...

I am grateful for my family, my friends, my health and my new hip!  I like this picture of I am going out to investigate "black Friday"!  The watercolor painting at right was created  around 1974 by me!  I love this painting...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

This is a bookmark I found.  I wrote a quotation on the back of the bookmark in pencil.  The writing was in Italic. So I think the the writing was done sometime in the last 70's.  I studied Calligraphy for one year  (1970 -1971) and really enjoyed this class.  I studied not only Italic script but also Blackhand and a Church script called  Uncial.  I am really fascinated with the art of illuminated manuscript.

I must have been about six of seven in this picture (circa 1953).  This picture was probably take at my grandman Wilson"s farm in Colon, Michigan.  She and her husband, Dave, lived across the street from an Amish family. My mother probably took this photography.  She has a really knack for taking great black and white photographs.  I think that this is a great image captured of my grandma and myself.  Once again notice the clues in background to pinpoint the period this photo was taken.
This a black and white picture of me! Notice the clarity of the resolution. There are clues to when the picture was take: probably in the summer of around 1949. I must have been about two years old. I remember that I loved playing outside--fall, winter, snow, rain. My sister and I loved being outside. Of course, this was the era we grew up in. Pre-TV, pre-computer. I looked like a happy little girl. I believe that my sister, Mary, and I had a happy, normal childhood. Have you noticed that children have a good time no matter where they are. Playing is innate behavior for children.